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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Hill.

When “outsiders” (I say outsider as if I’m an insider, when we all know I’m actually just a visitor) think of Capitol Hill, they only see one thing. They see the peaceful, serene white dome that depicts the freedom and government that represent our country. If you’ve ventured inside the capitol, you also see the historic rooms that hold the history of our great national and if you watch C-SPAN, you see the new House and Senate chambers where new history (oxymoron) is being made.

Regardless of The Hill you see, I’ve got an inside scoop for you. There are approximately three different Capitols. No, this is not a conspiracy theory. I am not in any way trying to tell you that there are three separate locations; I’m just informing you that Capitol Hill is not the same for everyone at all times.

The main Capitol that people see is the outsider’s view, which I’ve already explain. On the other end of the spectrum, there is the insider’s view—which actually accounts for two versions of the Capitol.

First, we have the Hill when congress is not in session. This version is a little buzz of work, with people being far less stressed. Work gets done, but things are quiet.

But as I learned today, things are completely different when congress is back in session. It’s like a full 180 in almost every right. As I walked out of my building I was greeted with a big red bus that touted a popular Republican statement (pictured) and as I walked the short distance to my office, I noticed a change in the atmosphere. People were striding confidently (real or fake, I’m not sure) towards the capitol in their suits with the appropriate “I’m here to do work” face on. I passed a podium set up on the sidewalk with an intern helping to set a camera’s white balance. Behind him I saw a man feigning confidence as he prepared to go on camera. As I passed the construction that has miraculously gotten near completion over the past few days, I saw two construction workers. One who looked like he has cleaned his hardhat and was ready for an impromptu interview in the need called for it.

Needless to say, the extremely short walk from my house to work was entertaining, and a turning point. It showcased a new Capitol to me. It was the beginning of Session and now I know that I get to acclimate myself to a whole new atmosphere.

To that I say, bring it on. Let’s make these next few weeks entertaining!

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