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Monday, October 12, 2009

Night Routine.

Before I embark on another blog (yes, second one within a 24-hour period!), I wanted to let y’all know that my doctor’s appointment did not happen today. Evidently the doctor was sick and I left the office extremely defeated. I’m already extremely behind in my fill schedule and I can’t get in for another two weeks. That means I will be at 3 months by the time I get a fill. Needless to say I was upset, but after a little crying and talking to my dad, I found the silver lining. But enough about that!

So, I’ve decided to begin a concrete night routine. I’ve shied away from this because my nights are always all over the place, but the time has come. There are 2 things I will do from now on.

First off, I will run/jog/walk/dance every night. I’ve noticed that in addition to good exercise, this keeps me in good spirits. I obviously need exercise and this is the best for me. I can do gyms and the like, but my schedule doesn’t always allow the hoopla involved in a gym run. Therefore, my neighborhood and park will remain my gym for the time being. Tonight I added some upper body work outs at the playground too… I’m sure I looked mighty entertaining, but hey- it worked!

The second (and most important) part of my routine is my Bible time. I’ve never read the entire Bible, so I’ve decided to fix that. I bought a One Year Bible and I am working my way through it… one day at a time. I’m really happy to be doing this because I believe this is extremely important for me. Especially since I have decided that I want to be baptized… that’s right! I want to be baptized and I am meeting with my college minister in a few weeks! This makes me happier than I can explain, but I will be sure to keep the blogosphere informed on this development in my life!

Well, this is it for now. I hope all is well and God bless!


It is so stereotypical to say that as a fat girl I had low self-esteem and considerably less self-confidence. Regardless of how often you here of these problems, this is still something I have been battling lately. It’s always been a fight, but its been a tougher one lately.

Last week I went through my first interview for an internship I really want. I bought a new pair of pants and wore an older sweater I have. As I changed my attitude kept sinking lower and lower. I felt so down on the fact that I wasn’t the stereotypical look of a good intern. There is such a pressure to be perfect that I felt like I was falling into a pit of despair. Okay, that may be a little bit of an exaggeration, but it still felt really bad. I wanted to walk into the interview and just say, “Hey, I’ve lost over 25 pounds and by the time I get to this internship in the fall, I should look even drastically different.” I did not do this, but it kept nudging me in the back of my mind. They all had copies of my resume and application, but what’s to promise that they truly saw that? Was my fat blinding to them? I am extremely blessed that after the interview God’s grace is giving me an incredible sense of peace. I know that he will lead me where I am meant to be and that I should not worry about this single outcome.

Besides interviews and the like, my low self-esteem is leaking into my nonexistent love life. Honestly, I am generally happy with the single life because I generally don’t have time for a guy, but times do change. Blame it on getting older or a change in the people around me, but I’ve been feeling the loneliness lately. And with that I’ve been looking at guys differently. Sadly though, even if I when I feel something, I fight it. I don’t feel good enough about myself to allow myself to like anyone worth liking. I don’t feel pretty enough or smart enough to allow myself feelings. Its getting tiring to be perfectly honest… I know they say that guys who’s focus on the outside are shallow and not worth to time, but it’s still a part of life.

So basically, this is what is going on within my life right now. I have a doctor’s appointment with a bariatrics doctor today! Hopefully I can get a fill soon and get rolling again. I have more info to share, but that will wait till later.

God bless,