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Monday, October 12, 2009

Night Routine.

Before I embark on another blog (yes, second one within a 24-hour period!), I wanted to let y’all know that my doctor’s appointment did not happen today. Evidently the doctor was sick and I left the office extremely defeated. I’m already extremely behind in my fill schedule and I can’t get in for another two weeks. That means I will be at 3 months by the time I get a fill. Needless to say I was upset, but after a little crying and talking to my dad, I found the silver lining. But enough about that!

So, I’ve decided to begin a concrete night routine. I’ve shied away from this because my nights are always all over the place, but the time has come. There are 2 things I will do from now on.

First off, I will run/jog/walk/dance every night. I’ve noticed that in addition to good exercise, this keeps me in good spirits. I obviously need exercise and this is the best for me. I can do gyms and the like, but my schedule doesn’t always allow the hoopla involved in a gym run. Therefore, my neighborhood and park will remain my gym for the time being. Tonight I added some upper body work outs at the playground too… I’m sure I looked mighty entertaining, but hey- it worked!

The second (and most important) part of my routine is my Bible time. I’ve never read the entire Bible, so I’ve decided to fix that. I bought a One Year Bible and I am working my way through it… one day at a time. I’m really happy to be doing this because I believe this is extremely important for me. Especially since I have decided that I want to be baptized… that’s right! I want to be baptized and I am meeting with my college minister in a few weeks! This makes me happier than I can explain, but I will be sure to keep the blogosphere informed on this development in my life!

Well, this is it for now. I hope all is well and God bless!

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